Tuesday, February 27, 2007

proves nothing....except to incite Christians

It happens every year…around Christmas or Easter...someone finds a claim to prove or disprove Jesus.

This year it is this: jesus’ family tomb. For years we Christians are merely trying to hide the fact that heresies from the past are actually true. It is a good thing Christianity has never been challenged or experienced any questions, or otherwise the religion would quickly crumble and fall….uggghhh.

Ok I seems that is what people what to believe. Things like the Da Vinci Code and this new documentary are really just reposing the exact same question as in the Last Temptation of Christ…and consequently, what some of the Gnostics believed. They have been refuted for centuries…

What the real problem is that we are so quick to get sucked in to this. I know I am truly one of those. It is just so ridiculous that even as you read most of the articles advertising the documentary. They usually cite how most theists and non-theists are debunking the show. Really are we as a people so dumb that a documentary that no one believes can be put before us and I can guarantee you someone will question how I believe because of this new evidence. I guess it is similar to the Gospel of Judas issue just a number of months ago.

Here is a line from the previously referenced Newsday article:
Those facts are this: In 1980, a tomb was unearthed amid a construction frenzy in Jerusalem. Ten limestone bone boxes, called ossuaries, were discovered in the tomb, six bore inscriptions (markings used to prevent the inadvertent mixing of bones).

As the ossuaries were removed from the tomb and placed in storage by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), the Hebrew inscriptions were recorded. Three of the six were easily translated as Mary, Matthew and Joseph.

It was the last three names, however, that caught the attention of "Lost Tomb" filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici: A faint inscription which translated to "Jesus son of Joseph," a second inscription reading "Judah son of Jesus" and a third ossuary with the name "Mariamne," which in the "Acts of Phillip" -- a recently-discovered fourth-century work -- was revealed to be the real name of Mary Magdalene.

Given the statistical improbabilities of these names being buried together, the crew took the next step of extracting partial DNA samples from the Jesus and Mariamne ossuaries, which later proved they were not maternally related.

There is also a short news story on this, but note how really it just focuses on how wrought with errors it all is.

Oh well, I guess I will need to brush up on my apologetics on why Jesus is not married.

Monday, February 05, 2007

“They are an eyesore”

Article in Houston Chronicle

I just love when ranchers are now making comments on aesthetics. They have a way to supplement their incomes, they can use the wind that comes ripping through the plains in Texas and possibly use the farms to help prevent some of the soil erosion through their crops. But alas, they have an argument against it…they’re an eyesore.

Uggh. I was all proud of my home state. Hopefully, it is just like most things in papers these days. They present a “fair and balanced point of view.” The problem with this is that the opposing view could be an extreme minority…one or two people, but they feel to fully represent the story they present their opinion as equal. A quote in the article reinforces this: “Jack County Judge Mitchell Davenport characterized opposition to the wind project as "small but vocal" and said he expects most landowners will lease their land for the project if they have not already.”