Madonna Crucified

Madonna wanted to explain her artistry from her current tour. I think it is truly interesting that she has just finished her tour in Tokyo which opened with the image of her on the cross in many news magazines. She did not explain. the numerous organizations questioned her motive. She did not answer. The tour is to be televised on NBC and they are hesitating to air it. She explains.
I will let her explain:
"There seems to be many misinterpretations about my appearance on the cross
and I wanted to explain it myself once and for all. "
"It is no different than a person wearing a cross or 'taking up the cross' as it says in the Bible. My performance is neither anti-Christian, sacrilegious or blasphemous. Rather, it is my plea to the audience to encourage mankind to help one another and to see the world as a unified whole."
She added, "I believe in my heart that if Jesus were alive today he would be doing the same thing."
I am not one of those that does not want to air anything that might be questionable or even blatantly "anti-Christian, sacrilegious or blasphemous". Having enjoyed such bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Metallica, etc., my amazement really comes in her reaction. She has exploited her name (yes, given name) through the many years with full knowledge that she means to shock: that infamous kiss with Britney Spears, the number of sexual explicit books, concerts, etc meant to challenge the mainstream of society.
But now she expects us to believe that this is to see the world as a whole. WHAT?!? Even in the Bible the cross is considered a stumbling block. Besides religious icons are not known to show "unity". As the real tag line of the whole interview she gave the much needed answer to WWJD! Of course He would be singing and climbing on a cross?!? But in fact He did....already.
I am supportive of art's repsonsiblity to force society to question what they think. I think many people fear this because they don't have a strong faith. Quit whining about people making fun of you. BUT in this case, it is important to realize when the whole criticism is an IGNORANT CRY FOR ATTENTION!
Always look on the bright side of life...(whistling)
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