Cult of Personality

Before you think I am just discussing politics...this "power" has been developed perfectly by the PR people...and as in the case of history manipulating me to go with what I see and hear. Here a study where they tested on monkeys this issue. A group of monkeys were given the option to watch alpha monkeys (stronger..etc.) on television OR be given food. They chose to watch the alphas.
Our alphas are our leaders and even worse...actors, musicians, and sports stars. People magazine, us, extra, entertainment tonight...among many others grace their pages full of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what they are wearing. We as a culture are busy aligning ourselves with the beliefs and hope to be more like our favorite star. While I was doing the Houston project in the poor areas of Houston, I find that their vision of hope is to "get out" as a rapper or excelling in sports. Really how different are our lives? I just fixated by some of my favorites...can't wait to see the movie, or even see a local celebrity and get all amazed. What is our obsession? This has affected our selection of president (the infamous debate between JFK and Nixon).
Even the communists have taken to this fact. I was reading the Houston press and found that Yao Ming was selected as commie of the year. (Ironic, since the award is supposed to be about the common man).
Is it that we are just too lazy to really understand? Of course we have too much to understand...just go to the shampoo aisle at a drug store. How do we choose? Are our celebrities merely just the beautiful people? It is just amazing that someone like tom cruise can make me angry as he jumps up and down. We believe our president or the opposing view just because of who said it. But are we really different then any other time? Absalom in 2 Samuel was believed because he was beautiful...and looked more like a king. Even angels were persuaded by the beauty of Satan...
The amazing part is despite our understanding of this we all are sucked in. People I know that are most focused not doing this...end up following some one who is a leader of this...
Has this become our drug...helping us to become just numb. It is through our numbness that then is filled with viewpoints to align with our new leader...the very definition of cult of personality.
Other people are always more interesting than ourselves. There is no mystery or suspense in what we do or are going to do, but other people do crazy, unpredictable stuff. Great picture. I would rather eat food than watch the alphas, but I think you already knew that.
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